Yesterday, which was the merdeka eve, me and my bunch of coursemates had BBQ in Fishy's house. Well, almost half of my class turned up in this BBQ event, but we still cant manage to finish the food. It was fun startin the fire, chit-chatin and gossiping around the fire. When i was BBQ-ing my last sausages, it begun to rain, tough luck.. So we hang out in the house for a while.
12 pm sharp, we ran like idiots outside the house(the rain stopped) to see fireworks around KLCC and the KL tower. Not very interesting though, maybe it's because the fireworks was so far away. So we went bac into the house where the REAL fun began.. LIQUOR TIME!! We play a couple of games which involve, of course, the liquors as punishment. As more and more of us drank, red faces began to appear.. But the fun still continues, u can hear more "Ka Chau, Ka Chau".. I myself can't seem to walk straight after the games.
When the liquor was gone and most of us starting to see stars, it was when the games ended. All of us went back home. I drove back to my KL house alone (thank god i din kill anybody on my way home) and hav a good nitght sleep and prepare for another great day tomorrow.
(p.s Will update -Day 2- tomorrow.. damn tired right now)
8 years ago